Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Just so you know...

I am completely bald.  It has been rough.  I tried herbs, shampoos, and steroids.  Last week, I started acupuncture.  I was having awful rashes around my eyes.  The acupuncturist took one look at me and told me she could treat my baldness.  She had treated it before and she could get my hair to grow back if I do everything she told me.  I am suppose to rub ginger on my head three times a day.  Lately the ginger root has left my scalp itchy and when I scratched it with my jagged nails, it left scratch marks that look like a cats.  The scratches are scabbing up and now my scalp feels a little rough. 

Monday, October 19, 2009

One step forward, one step backward

Some of the hair that regrew fell out. I was super disappointed. But, I had tapered down from the aloe vera and Chinese herbs and completely stopped the prednisone. So, I'm going back to the initial dose of aloe vera. I am going to finish up the prednisone or take as much of it as I can before the side effects get to me and finish the bottle of Chinese herbs. I'm so disappointed because I was suppose to get a refill of the Chinese herbs on Friday, but they were shipped to the wrong address. I only have a few capsules left, but the prednisone should make up for the couple days that I will miss taking the He Shou Wu. I'm very grateful that my eyelashes and eyebrows haven't fallen out. It is a blessing.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

New growth is falling out

It is so sad to admit, but I found a bald patch where I first noticed the regrowth. I had such high hopes for the aloe vera and He Shou Wu. Not sure what to think now. I'm going to continue taking both because I think it does some good. My skin certainly feels smoother.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Nothing new to report

Still brushing out the hairs, but finding new hairs. One spot that I was looking at appeared bald. I was upset because this was an area that I had found new hair on. I felt it and I could feel the transparent hairs. I tried examining it in the mirror (very difficult to do to the top of your head) and discovered that translucent hairs were there. It is odd that some hairs went through this vellus phase and some came back with their normal color.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

More hair loss, but regrowth is getting longer

I brushed out and removed a ton of hair last night. The bald patches are being filled in by transparent hairs that are slowly turning dark brown. It is filling in patchy just like it left with the top of my scalp regrowing first. This is odd because the base and sides were the first to go, but I can't complain. I'm happy to see it filling in. The strands are limp and I can't even do a comb over that would entirely cover all the bare patches on my scalp. The look is pretty pathetic, so I continue wearing a wig. The Paula Young whisperlite wigs aren't really uncomfortable. I can wear them all day long with about the same discomfort as a ponytail.
I noticed one strand in the mirror was almost an inch. That is good, but not all the hair follicles are producing hair, so it is just weird.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Almost gone, but growing back

I'm amazed and horrified every morning. More hair falls out in the brush and in the shower. I can see my scalp now. I think the only reason that I have cut all my hairs down to the same length is because I like knowing how much hair is falling out everyday. I guess that I just want to know what is new growth and what isn't. If I shaved my head, then it would all appear to be new growth, when in reality some of it is on its way out.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Another wig compliment

Some student today told me he liked my hair. So nice, but I think he was trying to stop me from yelling at the class for being too rowdy. Tons of hair fell out today, but now when I look in the mirror, I can see the regrowth from five feet away. I don't have to examine my scalp close up. However, it is still just coming back in patches and falling out in patches. I'll be relieved when I have enough patches to cover my entire scalp. While I'm bursting with excitement about the new regrowth, my mother still doesn't want to see me without my wig. It was difficult for her to watch my sister lose all her hair. Since she bought the wigs for me, I honor that wish. I'm pretty self conscious about the bald patches, but excited for the regrowth.